The ONLY 3 steps you need to get in shape..


This isn't anything groundbreaking and I don't have any quick solutions…


But I know if you do the 3 steps below consistently...


You will always see results 100% of the time..


1. Do structured exercise 3 times per week that includes some form of resistance training


2. Eat fewer calories than you burn off (caloric deficit) intuitively or by tracking


3. Walk at least 10k + plus steps a day.


That's it and when you do all 3 together you will see results….


Yep, these steps are simple BUT not always easy to achieve.

This may be due to any of the following...


- Family and kids

- Not getting enough sleep

- Short of time in your day

- Stress

- Overwhelmed with work, career or business

- Socialising - now that we are allowed again and calendar is filling up with birthdays, meals out etc

- Overwhelmed about knowing where to start.

- Not having a routine in place for you to work on you

- lacking confidence because you have tried so many things and not had any results


If that sounds right, here's what I'd recommend doing..


Just get started…


But get started with only one of the above steps first…


This could be...


-Joining a fitness group/ community where you will meet others like you and can do a form of exercise that you enjoy.


-Hiring a personal trainer.


-Meet regularly with a friend for a walk and catch up while getting some fresh air or join a walking group.


-Track your calorie intake using one the many free apps such myfitnesspal or plan your weekly meals in advance.


Its best to start with one step because it can be too much to bite off all at once and the KEY is not to go all out for a few weeks then burn out 


but rather start with baby steps and build on your momentum so you can do this long term


Once you have one of the steps down in a regular routine then start thinking about the next step.


It can be a tough mindset shift in itself because we always want it right now but honestly,

consistency beats intensity every time


 If you stick to one step long enough, your results will begin to compound and you will start moving in the right direction.


Once you eventually put all steps together, you will accelerate your results and be able to keep them as you have made the steps a routine. 


Often the hardest part is just getting started with the first step and If you are struggling to get going and just need some help then get in touch with us as we can help.